Sunday 11 September 2011

The Pretender (Foo Fighters) music video analysis

The Foo Fighters are a very conventional Rock band and image, They have been playing for years and have over 100 songs which has made them iconic as a band.  This is shown through conventions of this genre in the video in some respects because of the live performance element and large scale of what happens. The video begins with an almost CCTV high angle shot of a warehouse being lit from one end to the other to show the lights reflected of the floor (ice rink).  The song itself begins immediately and Dave Grohl walks to the center where the bands equipment is.  A red backdrop is at the end of the warehouse.  Dave (the lead vocalist and guitarist) is shown by a low angle shot from behind him showing him now with his guitar and the empty warehouse ahead. This is a very empowering shot because of the sense of energy and strength that comes from the low angle looking out on what the shot suggests is his. That is my favourite shot of the video. This shot empowers him as another shot shows him wrapping a bandage round his hand as if a fight were to commence.  This aggression is then transformed into music just after the rest of the band join the performance.  There are close ups of all of the members and their instruments.  These shots are quick, often moving, tracking or panning around the band with an almost constant low angle.  The live performance almost gains a story element within the performance as a police officer in riot gear stands on a line opposite Dave, facing him. This develops into a story as the lyrics seem to almost mock the officer “What if I say I will never surrender” “you’re the pretender”. The officer is then joined, emerging from the dark by a line of numbered riot suited officers where fitting in with the music timing, they charge towards the band. The emergence of the officers from the dark suggests that they are the antagonists ant the band on the white warehouse surface indicates that they are the protagonists almost which contradicts the conventional rock image of the band members being rebellious and out of control. Close ups show angry expressions and seconds later the red back drop appears to explode into a waterfall or red liquid which bursts out on both the band and the charging officers who are stopped and ‘defeated’ by it. The screen is filled with red representing power, passion and anger as the song draws to a close.
Coinsiding with Goodwins theory, the bands genre is demonstrated by the mise-en-scene of the large expansive hall and the big set up. Also, the visuals link in strongly with both the lyrics and the musics pace, tempo and tone. The quotes mentioned earlier are some of the matches between lyrics and visuals.
The band wear what i would consider standardly casual clothes but for the band members ages they are probably clothes that the majority of people their ages might not wear this puts the band in a closer relation to their fans styles and attributes.  The location of the empty warehouse ice rink is isolated which is a convention of rock/metal style music videos, the extraversion that separates this genre of music is shown through this. The hand bandaging at the beginning of the video linked the music style to the video. The band plays as if it were a live concert. Guitars, guitar leads, amps and mike stands are on the ice rink enhancing the live element.  This in its self is a huge influence towards persuading fans to pay to see them live. The video emphasises and replicates the energy that would be the most important part within a live performance.  The Red back drop is somewhat ambiguous throughout the song and when it bursts out the viewer is forced to ask questions, Why? How? etc. This encourages multiple viewing and intrigue for the video, giving it more popularity.

1 comment:

  1. There is some really good detail here Sam and you have expressed yourself well . You have look closely at the mise-en-scene and camera shots to analyse how the band is represented. You need to add stills and clips to illustrate your points.

    Make sure you specify which rock conventions the video fulfils “The Foo Fighters are a very conventional Rock band and image. This is shown through conventions of this genre in the video.” … with a conventional rock genre image. This is show through using conventions of aggression and rebellion ? in the video

    Again specify which statement you are using from Goodwin’s theories on music video “Coinsiding with Goodwins theory,” This coincides with Goodwin’s theory that music videos constantly refer to genre conventions in order to construct the representation ….

    The band are seen as the protagonists in the storyline of rebellion and challenge to establishment … so doesn’t contradict the convention.
