Wednesday 25 January 2012

Digipak CD cover ideas

One of my ideas for a cover (or back cover) for a CD case was to have a security camera, possibly in black and white, this represents an oppression and influences a strong feeling for rebellion. This idea I got was inspired by several CD covers I have seen, one of these being that of "Vulgar Display Of Power" by Pantera which uses black and white effectively presesnting the contrast I want.

Another cover that has influenced this concept is "The Fake Sound Of Progress" by Lostprophets.

This uses similar colours and represents technology strongly. Although I am not planning to use representations of technology in the same way, I am still using a representation of technology in a similar style. Both of the covers above are of relative simularity of the The Upgrade.

Another influence was from Hard-fi. Their black and yellow contrast was a similar concept to that of the black and white one and they used the outline of a security camera, yet another use of technology, a symbol relevant to superiority and power. Connotations I want to portray.

The photo below was just a quick snap which I have used to construct an image which fits my idea. I may try a closer up shot of a security camera to edit for a more interesting cover.

A second idea for a cover was of this nature - see picture below.
I wanted a cellular style picture, and therefore a medical image to connote viruses, mutation and controversial genetic concerns.
This shot I took through a light microscope. What is in view are kidney cells. 

I have not seen similar colours and therefore as an idea seems most original and potentially most controvertial. Although it is unlike covers of the same genre I have seen before, it still follows many of the same connotations, just in different ways. For example the connotation of power is there, but because we associate the picture with medics, biology, cells and DNA. This in turn relates to genetics, mutations and genetic modification - power over living things, what they are and how they work. This is why I believe that this cover connotes power strongly, but not in a conventional way. This however is my opinion and may not be very genuine as I am an A level Biology student so it may mean different things to me than most other fans/consumers.

I experimented with different coloured backgrounds. For example, I tried out having a white background. I thought that this might make the image look more medical and follow the creepy lab style image which connotes a death metal macarbre influence.

Below I am experimenting with blurring tools to see what effects I can produce.

I then used photoshop to impose a partially opaque 'U' logo which is the bands own logo. Using the clone stamp on the microscope image I experimented with stamping clones of the image over eachother making various overlapping effects as well as overlaying other images with half or varying opacity's. 

A third idea I have had is that of a more simplistic concept. I liked the simple colours of the bands own webpage style and logo image.
I wanted therefore to try a more black and white image, the picture is of a drain half in shadow. The drain connotes a 'dirt' and/or an almost gritty nature and suggests that their sound was brought up from influences of urban construction, industry and a sense of good and evil (black/white). Other covers I have analysed by Muse and Foo Fighters both use colours as well as dark colours so I am thinking that my cover, if I chose this style, should have colour - a coloured logo possibly.

Again I used photoshop to edit the bands logo over the picture. This I feel has a strong effect and works well. But as I said above, may need more colour to stand out on the shelf!

My final idea is that of an industrial nature, linking to the song from my music videos lyrics. These suggested industrial and economic destruction. I feel the Oil rig style structures have superb connotations of these things.
In photoshop I edited the picture slightly, editing contrast and using various texture effects. If I choose this photo to use as a cover, I would use a clear sans serif font in black in the sky for either the band/album name or song names (if the back of the CD cover).

This I think is my favourite cover photo because of the space in the shot and the contrasts and colours. However, I am not sure whether this is connotatively the most effective for my target consumers.

1 comment:

  1. A really good documentation of the progression of your ideas. All very different but you have explained why you have chosen your final cover photograph. Sam - can you develop your research a little so that you can link your decisions to your research? Nothing since Foo Fighters cover.
