Tuesday 29 November 2011


For my music video the clothing that the band are to wear has to connote the correct genre, style, ideologies and interests. In this video the genre is heavy rock and so the band should wear Jeans and white or black clothes from a metal genre. Drawing from a more indie genre which the band also relates to would be skate shoes, check shirts, skinny jeans and bracelets.

I have chosen a mix of these styles for the band to wear. The lead vocalist and guitarist will wear a white T shirt and bright red jeans. These Jeans are not skinny which makes them less relative of the indie genre. The red Jeans make the vocalist stand out and they give him the superiour and impressive image that a lead member of a band needs. This brings appeal from the bright red. The red connotes anger, passion, energy and is used in this genre of music frequently. For example Foo Fighters - The Pretender. The track its self is extremely energetic which makes the red jeans even more appropriate.

The lead vocalist will wear skate style shoes. However, they will be black linking both indie and metal genre connotations. This suits the style of the track. The vocalists hair is dark and scruffy, adding to the frivelous style of the track and the black hair and stubble linking to a truely metal style.

The drummer will wear a check shirt, this of course linking directly to the indie genre that the band has also had influence from. His hair will be an indie mop style as well.

The bassist plays a minimal role in the music video, the screen time is largly dedicated to the vocalist/guitarist to give the band a strong face for its audience. This also links in with goodwins theory where the lead person in the band is shown the most for emphasis.
The bassist wears black jeans and a 'Lamb Of God' T shirt. This is a metal band. This is a blatent link to the metal genre. Other bands also do this to show their influences, to share interests in common with their fans and to relate to them bringing a more personal experience. The black jeans are also of a dark, metal style which is relative to a gothic and therefore potentially religiously orientated genre.

Wednesday 16 November 2011
